The green beans have never looked better. We seem to have to pick them about every day and they are bright green, slender, and delicious. Bev started to freeze a lot of them last week so that we may enjoy fresh green beans in the winter!
Green Beans
We are having great luck with our herbs this year as well. Our parsley and cilantro grow so much every week that we are able to take a lot of it to market. There is nothing better than fresh herbs and the plants are looking so healthy. I have never had good luck with growing cilantro but this second planting that Terry planted from seed is a strong crop. Our herbs are so fragrant that you can immediately tell when someone is picking them because the smell wafts through the air!
The basil started out really strong and there was more of it than we could handle. Then we got worried when mid-summer, there was a lot of blackening on the leaves and the plants were starting to yellow. However now the black is gone and they look great again!
The flowers continue to thrive and last week we noticed some brown on the ageratum but miraculously all of that was gone this week and they bounced back.
The tomatoes, although the plants are not looking great, taste wonderful. Because of the weather, they are cracking on top, but we don't mind what they look like because they are still juicy and delicious. The brandywines continue to be our favorite and the ivory egg variety is beautiful and a great, new addition to our farm.
Reading this makes me miss the Ries family and their wonderful food even more! I love reading your blog! Pictures are beautiful!