
July Already?!

How is it already July? The garden is in full swing now and every week it looks so different from the week before. Flowers, which are a large part of our income at the market, are finally starting to bloom. That means more work for us on Friday nights and it also signifies how far we are into the season. It's so nice to see these pops of color in the garden!

My mouth waters as I walk through the garden smelling the dill and cilantro, and seeing the tomatoes begin to grow. I envision all of the meals that these vegetables will provide and all of the things I will process in mason jars. Dilly beans, sour pickles, tomato sandwiches, tomato jam, sauerkraut...the list goes on and on. I love basing my summer meals on what is ready to harvest that day and planning my evenings and weekends based on what I will process and pickle. These are the important things to me in life! Now that summer is here, I feel like I don't have to ration out my pickles and jams that I have from last year in the basement and I can eat as many as I want to free up the jars for this year. I am excited to try new things and restock on some of my favorites. 

Green beans

Sunflowers in the foreground

Red cabbage

Cucumbers climbing up the trellis


Happy 4th of July!!