

Decorating Easter eggs is an activity that many kids love to do around this time of year. As a kid I used to dye eggs with the Paas dye that you can buy at any store, but as I have gotten older, my sisters and I have taken Easter dyeing to the next level. My mom has always displayed her intricately dyed eggs around the house during this time of year but it wasn't until a few years ago that I started to get into this method of decorating called Psyanky. It is a Ukranian tradition of decorating eggs using beeswax and the verb 'pysata' literally means 'to write'. Technically the word pysanka refers to an egg decorated with traditional Ukranian folk designs but the Rieses have extrapolated this term and made more non-traditional designs on our eggs.

In Tremont, we are lucky enough to have a Ukranian Museum where they have an elaborate display of eggs around Easter. They also sell the supplies you need to make your own pysanky if you are interested in trying this yourself. The eggs they display have a ridiculous amount of detail and precision which I will never attain, but will always admire.

Pysanky at the Ukranian Museum
Here are some of the eggs I have made over the years!



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