The first market this year will be on May 10th and will continue every Saturday through the summer from 9am - noon. For the first week or so we will have tomato plants (Brandywine, Striped German, and Amish Paste heirlooms) and cherry tomato plants (Sungold and Super Sweet 100). All of the plants are doing great and we put them outside on the warmer days.
We have three varieties of lettuce started (Oakleaf, a butterhead, and a red). These are the same varieties we had last year and they were beautiful and tasty. Hopefully some can go in the ground soon!
The tuscan kale, swiss chard, red and golden beets are started and will also go in the ground soon. Some of the flowers we are growing this year are started from seeds but those won't go in the ground until late May. We expect to have flowers ready for sale in July.
The garlic survived the winter and we can't wait for garlic scapes to get our first taste of it. Last year we couldn't seem to sell enough of those so we will be sure to bring as many as we can!
And perhaps the best thing about spring is new life, and we are so excited to have a baby boy in the family! Hannah and Ian are now a family of 4 and Carlo Parks Petroni was born on April 23rd weighing in at 9lbs 1oz. Everyone is very happy and healthy!