
Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers out there and especially to my dad, Terry. He is an incredible dad and now a grandfather to Ada. I think he is happier than he's ever been now that going to "work" everyday means taking care of Ada. I know that Hannah and Ian are beyond grateful for his love and care for their daughter.

My dad has always been one of the most supportive and generous people that I know. I have never asked for something and gotten a moment's hesitation from him. All three of us are so lucky to have grown up in such a loving family and although my dad and I are too similar for our own good sometimes, I have especially enjoyed the last 3 years working on the garden project together. It has been so fun collaborating as adults on the farm and bringing what we each know to the table.  He is also one of the smartest people I know and seems to know a little bit about everything, as he proves so in his Trivial Pursuit skills at Thanksgiving every year and his daily mastery of the New York Times crossword puzzle. He knows how to get anywhere in Cleveland and I take advantage of that probably too often by calling him every time I get lost (hence, he got me a GPS for Christmas, yet I still call him just as much!). And, even though my mom does most of the cooking in the house, he does make the best pancakes and coffee. 

He is such an instrumental part of Endeavor Farm that it literally would not be possible without him. He is out there every day weeding, watering, fixing holes in the fence, and making sure everything is going as planned. Even though it is an exhausting job, I never hear him complain and we are so grateful for his hard work! I love you, Dad!

Also, a special Happy Father's Day to three very important dads to me: 
Ian, John, and Don!

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